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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2024 №2 (232)
Impact of economic shocks on the reproduction system during the transition to a neo-industrial structural shift
Abstract. The article examines a problem of impact of economic shocks on the structure of the reproductive system that ensures neo-industrial transformation of the economy. Approaches to analyzing the structure of reproduction and its role in initiating structural changes, which can be both neo-industrial and de-industrial in nature, are considered, which ultimately determines the stability of the economy to external and internal shocks of endogenous and exogenous nature. The role of modification of economic relations in the reproduction system is shown, their new subjects necessary to initiate neo-industrial structural shift are identified, during which a basis for the resistance of the economy to shocks is being formed. The research methodology includes approaches to studying the structure of reproduction processes and the impact of endogenous and exogenous shocks on them, the main of which are investment and technological ones, respectively, as well as approaches to the development of economic relations in the reproduction system, presented in leading schools of economic theory. In the article, particular attention is paid to the creation of reproductive conditions for the reduction of exogenous technological shocks that determine neo-industrial changes in the structure of production factors and the ratio of their effectiveness.
Keywords: neo-industrialization, deindustrialization, reproduction, investment, structural shift, economic shocks, economic relations. Highlights: ♦ approaches to the problem of impact of external shocks on the reproduction system and the possibility of increasing resistance to them during a neo-industrial structural shift, primarily in the reproduction system, are analyzed; ♦ the key role of modification of economic relations in the reproduction system in initiating neo-industrial structural shift and overcoming the inertia of deindustrialization of the economy, enhanced by technological shocks, has been identified; ♦ the subjects of economic relations in the reproductive system of the national economy are identified, the formation of which is a necessary condition for a neo-industrial structural shift; ♦ the anti-shock role of the development of investment in the creation, transfer and intersectoral diffusion of national advanced production technologies in increasing the efficiency of production factors in conditions of external shocks is revealed.
Сведения:Olga G. Aleshina - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Methodology of geological and economic monitoring in subsurface use based on an ontological data model
Abstract. Currently, most researchers, when choosing tools for solving an applied problem, pay more and more attention to the application of ontological models in the design of management decision support systems. The sphere of subsurface use is no exception. When designing a comprehensive system for analyzing the results of subsurface use, the main task is to timely identify deviations from the fulfillment of specified indicators, for example, when implementing long-term programs for the reproduction of the mineral resource base. This approach allows you to analyze the situation in a timely manner and adjust the control effect. The main difficulty in building a unified information system in subsurface use is that in order to make management decisions, it is necessary to integrate 3 interconnected and interacting blocks within a single system - the mineral resource base, the mineral resource complex and the mineral resource potential. In fact, the first component of the triad represents the retrospective results of the exploration work carried out. The second component is the current state of mining of mineral resources. The third component is the prospect of developing the mineral resource base, namely, the mineral resource potential. It is possible to create such a convergence, taking into account the heterogeneity of data storage systems, on the basis of an ontological model. The advantage of using ontology is the high level of flexibility of this tool, expressed in the integration of heterogeneous data within a single storage system. This article attempts to use the apparatus of ontological models and artificial intelligence for the geological subject area in terms of solid minerals, in particular widespread, and groundwater.
Keywords: geological and economic monitoring, subsurface use, ontological data model, economic efficiency assessment. Highlights: ♦ an ontological data model is necessary when designing a geological and economic monitoring system as a way to determine the relationships between indicators; ♦ the Reasoner component in the ontological model allows you to define implicit relationships between elements; ♦ the ontological model allows a factor analysis of one of the basic elements of geological and economic monitoring - the mineral resource potential.
Email:Dadykin88@bk.ru; Atamanova_281287@mail.ru
Сведения:Valery S. Dadykin, Olga V. Dadykina - Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia
Digital technologies in the activities of small tourism organizations as a way to attract investment
Abstract. This article presents the results of a study aimed at solving a pressing scientific problem, determining the possibility of attracting investments by small organizations in the tourism sector. The incompleteness of the research discussion on the possibility of investing in small tourism organizations predetermined the search for new methods and adaptation of existing methods. The study put forward and confirmed the hypothesis that it is possible for small tourism organizations to attract investment if they use modern digital technologies in their activities. Based on assessments of the investment potential of Russia and Georgia, a rating of the investment attractiveness of the regions in these countries has been compiled. The types of investments acceptable for small organizations in the tourism sector in Russia and Georgia are considered. Specific features of the use of digital technologies by small organizations in the tourism sector have been established. The development of digital technologies is proposed as a way to attract investments to small organizations in the tourism sector in Russia and Georgia (introduction of digital innovations). The basis for the analysis was data from an annual study by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Rosstat and the Georgian National Tourism Agency. The findings obtained in the study may have practical significance for representatives of small organizations in the tourism sector in Russia and Georgia and theoretical significance for researchers of this problem.
Keywords: small tourism organizations, digital technologies, digital innovations, types of investments, investment potential, rating of investment attractiveness, ways to attract investments. Highlights: ♦ based on assessments of the investment potential of Russia and Georgia, a rating of the investment attractiveness of the regions in these countries was compiled; ♦ the types of investments acceptable for small tourism organizations in Russia and Georgia have been determined; ♦ specific features of the use of digital technologies by small tourism organizations in Russia and Georgia are identified; ♦ opportunities and ways to attract investment for small tourism organizations in Russia and Georgia have been proposed.
Сведения:Anna Ivanova - Volga State University of Service, Tolyatti, Russia
Stability of regional development systems and factors ensuring it - Leadership and digitalization
Abstract. The article examines the definitions of the phrase "sustainability factors of regional economic systems" often used in the economic science, taking into account the existing array of scientific statements and communications on this topic, characterized by a significant volume and at the same time minor value differences, as well as in relation to global and revolutionary technological changes in the history of human civilization, the expediency of introducing the general concepts of "regional development system" and "sustainability of regional development systems" is substantiated. The stability of systemic regional development is a property of self-organizing systems, and resistance is a property of self-adapting systems. The sustainability of the systemic development of a region under the influence of classical factors - economic, social, environmental and institutional - is a similar assessment. Sustainability cannot be achieved without the use of neoclassical factors - leadership and digitalization, and this is a numerical assessment that is not identical to a set representing statistical indicators over several years; it performs calculations that justify the return of the region from the fluctuation process to normal (calculation of supporting time) or the death of elements, subsubsystems, subsystems of the regional development system. The author`s proposals can be implemented using digital technologies, and first of all, Big Data.
Keywords: region, factors, sustainability, resilience, regional development system, digitalization, leadership. Highlights: ♦ there is an extensive number of definitions of factors, sustainability, regional economic systems; ♦ the classical composition of the factor in managing regional economic systems is used; ♦ the leadership of introducing the concepts of "system of regional development" and "sustainability of systemic regional development" and the inclusion of classical neoclassical factors is substantiated.
Сведения:Rimma A. Timofeeva - Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
Creating the business model to improve the management of the financial stability of an enterprise in the context of digitalization
Abstract. The article proposes the author`s business model, built using the MS Excel program - the "Developer" tab and intended for targeted management of the financial stability of an enterprise, as well as the results of its application. To increase the stability of the financial condition of the organization and reduce risks, it is proposed to calculate a three-component indicator of the type of financial situation, using data from the financial statements of the enterprise and optimized values obtained using controls. It is proposed to monitor financial indicators based on the template proposed in the business model with built-in macros. Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is drawn about the financial condition of the enterprise, and forecasts are made with optimized values of the financial stability criteria. The author`s business model of financial analysis allows us to reduce environmental uncertainty, increase the accuracy of forecasts, and also reduce the labor intensity of accounting, which is so important in the context of digitalization.
Keywords: financial stability, enterprise, business model, optimization, uncertainty, digitalization. Highlights: ♦ financial stability is an important indicator of financial management of enterprises in the context of digitalization, which has an impact on their competitiveness; ♦ the business model was formed, built using the MS Excel program - the "Developer" tab and intended for targeted financial management of enterprises; ♦ the author`s business model for improving financial stability management allows us to reduce environmental uncertainty, increase the accuracy of forecasts, and reduce the complexity of accounting in the context of digitalization.
Сведения:Elena V. Dolzhenkova - Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Russian and foreign practice of cryptocurrency market development
Abstract. The scientific article investigates a problem of the emergence of the promotion of the financial instrument cryptocurrency in the digital economy. The emergence of a decentralized monetary system has led to increased competition between different types of cryptocurrencies. The article analyzes the structure of the cryptocurrency market and the forecast of emissions in this market. The study identified two scenarios for regulating the cryptocurrency market, which are manifested to varying degrees in the international arena. The results of the study are currently widely used in relation to the popularization of digital financial assets and services and the widespread problem of their promotion in the digital economy. The article reflects the chronology of the development of the cryptocurrency market in Russia. It is concluded that there is an opportunity for the development of the cryptocurrency market in the Russian space in connection with the regulation of the legality of transactions with crypto assets at the legislative level.
Keywords: cryptocurrency market, digital economy, decentralized monetary system, capitalization of the cryptocurrency market. Highlights: ♦ a decentralized money circulation system has competitive advantages for its users compared to a centralized monetary system; ♦ in today`s realities, there is no unified global approach to determining the content of crypto assets and ensuring centralized regulation of the crypto market; ♦ the specifics of the policy of individual countries of the world on the development of the cryptocurrency market determines the uneven application of this financial asset in the international territorial context.
Email:alisaveb@rambler.ru; nedlen63@yandex.ru
Сведения:Alisa M. Veber, Elena S. Materova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Stablecoins as a financial innovation: Problems and prospects
Abstract. The evolution of the cryptocurrency decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem has led to the emergence of a need for stablecoin cryptocurrencies, positioned as sustainable settlement instruments that can compete with global fiat currencies in the future. Despite the significant increase in the volume of financial transactions carried out using stablecoins, they are currently considered poorly regulated and high-risk. An analysis of the correlation between the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the state of the stable-coin market and changes in central bank rates showed that the trends in the stablecoin market are currently determined to a greater extent by factors in the DeFi sector and are weakly dependent on the accounting policies of central banks. The article examines the risks of the stablecoin market and discusses the main approaches to its regulation.
Keywords: stablecoins, regulation of financial innovations, decentralized finance (DeFi), digital assets, cryptocurrency instruments. Highlights: ♦ currently, stablecoins in the DeFi ecosystem perform the same functions as global fiat currencies in the traditional financial system; ♦ the trends of the stablecoin market are weakly dependent on the accounting policies of central banks and are determined by factors in the field of DeFi; ♦ the main direction of regulation of the sphere of circulation of stablecoins is to establish a balance between the advantages of innovative financial instruments and ensuring the stability of the entire financial system.
Email:r-peter@yandex.ru; romanova.osu@yandex.ru; slavaap@rambler.ru
Сведения:Petr A. Romanov -Yandex LLC, Moscow, Russia, Anna A. Romanova - Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia, Viacheslav A. Perepelkin - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Methodological approach to the macroeconomic analysis of the banking system
Abstract. At the present stage of its development, the Russian banking system is facing a lot of internal and external problems that can potentially reduce its financial stability and independence (especially in the last couple of years). The banking sector has successfully resisted prohibitive sanctions, some of which were fundamentally aimed specifically at this part of the country`s financial market. Since the very beginning of the introduction of package sanctions against Russia, restrictions have been imposed on a regular basis in relation to the activities of many commercial banks, which act as key links in the banking sector. In this regard, it is especially important to regularly analyze the current state of the banking system in dynamics. In the article, the author examines various methodological approaches to assessing the state of the banking system. In the process of research, the banking system is presented as a set of elements that require both a separate analysis of each of them and an assessment of the existing links between them. This study also analyzes the macroeconomic indicators of the banking sector of the Russian Federation for the previous five years, which makes it possible to formulate the existing development trends and prospects quite effectively.
Keywords: banking system, macroeconomic analysis, methodological approach, commercial banks, financial stability, Bank of Russia, regulator, macroeconomic indicators. Highlights: ♦ the methodological approach to the macroeconomic analysis of the banking system provides two areas for assessment: the banking system as a set of independent elements and the banking system as a set of interrelated elements; ♦ the analysis of macroeconomic indicators of the country`s banking sector has been carried out; ♦ the banking sector operates under severe sanctions pressure, successfully adapting to emerging challenges.
Сведения:Olesya A. Sinichenko - Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia
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