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Вестник самарского государственного экономического университета
Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics
2022 №10 (216)
Neo-industrial typology of structural shifts in the economy under external shocks
Abstract. The strengthening of external shocks can have long-term negative consequences for the Russian economy, strengthening the de-industrial trend in it, which has been formed since the beginning of the market reforms that can lead to the consolidation of technological and social-and-economic backwardness and a long recession. Under such conditions, increasing resilience to external shocks should be structural in nature and take the form of a number of positive shifts in the reproductive, technological, and sectoral structure of the economy. The need to recreate the Russian industry on a new technological basis in the face of increasing sanctions and external restrictions requires an analysis of the neo-industrial transformation of the economy. In accordance with this goal, the article presents a typology of structural shifts under conditions of external shocks, including de-industrial and re-industrial (adaptive) anti-shifts, neo-industrial (anti-shock) shift. To achieve the research purpose, the methods of system-structural analysis, thesis and antithesis synthesis, deduction and comparison of hypotheses were used. The results of the study are aimed at creating the basis for the structural policy of the state taking into account realities of the increased external shocks and the need for neo-industrial development of the Russian economy.
Keywords: neo-industrialization, structural shift and anti-shift, structural policy, external shocks Highlights: ♦ scientific approaches to the study of structural shifts in the economy were analyzed, their separation from macrodynamic phenomena was determined, related to that the author`s approach was proposed based on the mutual conditionality of structural shifts and shocks in the economy; ♦ a typology of structural shifts in the economy has been developed, taking into account the need for neo-industrial development in the face of external shocks, and including de-industrial and re-industrial structural anti-shifts, neo-industrial shift; their factors and functions were determined; ♦ the anti-shock role of the neo-industrial structural shift was shown that was designed to serve as a guideline in the development of the state`s structural policy in the face of increased external shocks.
Сведения:Olga G. Aleshina - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
S.G. Strumilin - the founder of state planning
Abstract. The article reveals the historical experience of the formation of the planned system of the USSR, the founder of which was Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin. He made a huge contribution to the theory of socialist planning; his works, written during the years of work in the USSR State Planning Committee, during the preparation of the first five-year plan, occupy an important place in the theoretical arsenal of national economic planning; the provisions formulated by S. G. Strumilin remain valid at the present time. Researchers of subsequent generations will return to his works on the theory of planning again and again.
Keywords: state planning, Gosplan of the USSR, the science of planning, the system of material balances, the country`s planning system, strategic planning, convergence theory, the system of indirect regulation, the balance of the national economy Highlights: ♦ a systematic analysis of the historical experience of the formation of the planning system in the USSR has been carried out, which, through the long-term efforts of its supporters, has been so deeply transplanted into the entire system of the Russian society that it is difficult to imagine not only an integral, but even a fragmentary one-time abolition of it; ♦ the role of planning in each new epoch of the country`s economic development is shown, with the remaining separate forms of planning operating in the new conditions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation; ♦ the author`s proposals for the modernization of new forms of planning while preserving specific features of the national tradition and the mechanism for reforming the state regulation using the accumulated experience of planning related to the transition of the Russian Federation to market relations are presented.
Email:gai51@list.ru; Vaz21063@list.ru
Сведения:Anatoly I. Gretchenko -Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Alexander A. Gretchenko - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Transformation of the banking sector in the context of the economy digitalization
Abstract. The role of commercial banks in the economic sphere is very high today. Globalization has not passed by this area, affecting the main activities of financial institutions, changing them beyond recognition over the past decade. Commercial banks, in turn, build their activities so that the needs of clients are realized. At this stage, it is important to note that the application of digital technologies creates some problems: low awareness of the population and illiteracy of the older generation, which give rise to fraud and opportunism; the introduction of new technologies should take place in a single and integral way, changes in only one cell can negatively affect the entire system as a whole; labor personnel should be ready for changes, because not all employees can accept novelty and get out of their own comfort zone. For a more detailed consideration of these issues, an analysis of the digitalization of the banking sector was carried out, its assessment at the present stage. Both the negative sides of the transformation factor, which means digitalization, and the positive ones are shown. With the help of them, further development prospects and ways that will allow improving the new digital environment are determined.
Keywords: digitalization, transformation, ecosystem, commercial banks, technologies, digital environment, investments, banking industry Highlights: ♦ the banking sector in Russia is one of the developing sectors on the way to a digitalized world; ♦ the effectiveness of the application of digital technologies is achieved with a small time lag; ♦ achieving risk minimization is possible only with the help of the main regulator - the Central Bank.
Email:isaeva.natalia2000@mail.ru; nedlen63@yandex.ru
Сведения:Natalia A. Isaeva, Elena S. Materova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
The impact of digitalization on the transformation of the consumer market
Abstract. The existing interest in the transformation of the consumer market due to digitalization, on the one hand, and the need to improve scientific developments in the field of theory, methodology and practice of economic research, on the other hand, determine the relevance of the topic of this article. Ihe research purpose was to diagnose and evaluate the modification of the consumption process under the influence of transformational trends taking place in the consumer market in the context of digitalization. The article highlights and describes the main trends in the impact of digitalization on the modification of the consumption process in the consumer market through the prism of the transformation of the market itself. Based on the conducted research, a significant transformation of the consumption process in the consumer market was proved, and in this regard, approaches to its research based on diagnostics and evaluation of the transformation processes of consumption models were rethought.
Keywords: digitalization, consumer market, trends, identification, consumption indicators, consumer behavior, consumer behavior models, consumption patterns Highlights: ♦ the main trends in the transformation of the consumer market under the influence of digitalization are the transformation of the information content and the content of the main characteristics of the consumer market, smoothing the "outlines" of goods and services, modification of the infrastructure and organizational structure of the market based on the reorganization of approaches to building relationships between producers and consumers; development of new information and communication technologies; ♦ modification of consumer behavior models arises as a result of clarifying the essence and content of the main elements and characteristics of the consumer market, as well as a result of the complication and change in the mechanism of consumer decision-making; ♦ consumption transformation criteria allow diagnosing and evaluating the transformation of the consumption process taking place in the consumer market.
Email:Petrucheny@gmail.com; batraeva60@mail.ru
Сведения:Irina V. Petruchenya, Elina A. Batraeva - Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Foreign investments in the economic security system
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the effectiveness of the use of foreign investment resources to ensure economic development from the standpoint of the economic security theory. The necessity of assessing the impact of foreign investment on the main indicators of the economic security is noted. Based on the analysis of statistical data for 119 countries of the world, it is concluded that there is no real significant impact of foreign investment on the welfare, innovation and competitiveness of the national economy, as well as on human development. This conclusion is supported by the results of the analysis of the relationship between the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators and the dynamics of foreign investment in the Republic of Tajikistan as one of the countries where the investment policy involves the use of foreign investment as the main investment resource. To determine reasons for the lack of such a relationship, the analysis of the structure of foreign investments in Tajikistan is made and it is determined that investments are concentrated exclusively in the extraction of raw materials and financial intermediation, that does not involve the production of high-value products. It was also determined that in Tajikistan foreign investments do not go to priority sectors, the development of which determines the development of the economy as a whole and ensuring the economic security. The conducted SWOT-analysis of the impact of foreign investment on the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan showed that a large number of threats to the country`s economic security arise as a result of the infusion of foreign capital with a relatively low level of positive impact. It was concluded that it is necessary to make changes in the existing investment policy in order to ensure the neutralization of threats arising from the large-scale use of foreign investment, and to enhance the positive impact of their use.
Keywords: foreign investment, economic security, state investment policy, priority sectors of the economy, national interests, economic development, threats to economic security, government investment Highlights: ♦ the issue of the impact of foreign investment on the system of economic security of the state was considered; ♦ an analysis of the interdependence of the volume of foreign investment and indicators of economic security was made; ♦ it is determined that foreign investments in practice have an extremely insignificant positive impact on the economy, contributing to the emergence of threats to the economic security; ♦ measures to improve the state investment policy in order to prevent the negative impact of foreign investment were proposed.
Email:n.blinichkina@mail.ru; karimovravshan@mail.ru
Сведения:Nadezhda Yu. Blinichkina, Pavshan A. Karimov - Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics, Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan
International cooperation of the Russian automotive companies and mechanisms for coordinating financial interests
Abstract. The article discusses the specifics of the coordination of financial interests in the framework of international cooperation of the Russian automotive companies with foreign enterprises. This cooperation is particularly relevant in the modern world due to the fact that it is one of the key objectives of the country`s Scientific and Technological Development Strategy. The object of the study is international collaborations of the Russian automotive companies. The research purpose is to study the coordination mechanisms of financial interests within the framework of the international cooperation of the Russian automotive companies. The practical significance is to ensure trouble-free interaction of corporate participants engaged in the international cooperation and their achievement of compromises in the coordination of financial interests. In the course of the study, general theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. It is concluded that effective cooperation is possible with a qualitative analysis of mutual interests and their comparison with each other.
Keywords: automotive industry, interests, international cooperation, mechanisms of coordination of interests, financial interests Highlights: ♦ international cooperation plays an important role for the development of enterprises in various industries; ♦ effective cooperation is possible with a qualitative analysis of mutual interests and their comparison with each other; ♦ in practice, several types of mechanisms for coordinating the financial interests of corporate participants can be used at once.
Сведения:Daria V. Kharitonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
Specific features of the budgets execution by the subjects of the Russian Federation in modern economic conditions
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of specific features of the execution of regional budgets in the current economic conditions in Russia. The importance of considering this issue is due to the fact that the subjects of the Russian Federation are forced to pursue their budgetary policy in crisis socio-economic conditions over the past few years. The COVID 19 pandemic, unfavorable foreign economic and political conditions in the form of expanding the Western sanctions against Russia have a negative impact on the state of regional finances. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify problems and prospects for further functioning of subfederal budgets in these economic circumstances. In the course of the study, it was revealed that many Russian regions, including the Samara region, despite the problem of ensuring a balanced budget, demonstrate sustainable development, increase the volume of budget revenues and expenditures. The problem of the deficit of regional budgets is largely solved thanks to various forms of financial support from the federal budget, among which a special role is given to budget loans.
Keywords: budget, budget policy, economic sanctions, budget expenditures, budget revenues, deficit, inter-budget transfers, budget credit, public debt Highlights: ♦ an analysis of the main parameters of the consolidated budget of the Samara region is given; ♦ the role of interbudgetary transfers in strengthening the revenue base of subfederal budgets has been determined; ♦ the main measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of expanding the possibilities of providing financial assistance to regional authorities and ensuring the balance of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were considered; ♦ the role of budget credits in ensuring the stable socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation was revealed.
Сведения:Larisa N. Mulendeeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
The impact of remote banking services on the competitiveness of the bank in the era of digitalization of the banking sector
Abstract. This paper analyzes the impact of the digitalization on the bank competitiveness, the quality of its remote service channels. The key here is the client`s assessment of banking services, since being aware of the needs and opinions of consumers of banking services it is possible to increase the competitiveness of the bank. Taking these aspects into account banks have to ensure that the quality of online banking services meets the expectations of their customers. The article assesses and studies the perception of online banking customers of the service quality of 2 banks in Russia, namely Sberbank and Tinkoff Bank. The results showed that there are significant differences within the 6 aspects of the quality of online banking services. Understanding customer perceptions of online banking at 2 major Russian banks could help financial institutions to develop new services or technologies that will improve the online banking experience.
Keywords: digital banking, banking service quality, online banking, bank competitiveness, remote banking services Highlights: ♦ theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of remote banking services on the competitiveness of a commercial bank have been studied; ♦ an assessment of the quality of remote banking services was carried out on the example of a number of the Russian commercial banks selected for the study; ♦ according to the results of the assessment, problematic aspects are identified, the elimination of which will contribute to improving the customer orientation of the banks under study and increasing their competitiveness in the conditions of digitalization.
Email:shekshuevasv@ivanovo.ac.ru; g.tatyanin@mail.ru
Сведения:Svetlana V. Shekshueva, Grigoriy V. Tatyanin - Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
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