Organization of secure storage of biometric data: Threats and opportunities

Gurtovaya K.A., Okuneva A.G.

Abstract. The issue of personal data security is becoming increasingly relevant due to the active introduction of digitalization into everyday life. The research methods used in the work include literature analysis, study of legislation in the field of biometrics, analysis of statistical data and analytical materials. The work reveals the areas of application of biometric solutions, the role of biometrics in the banking sector, and analyzes the risks associated with the use of biometrics. The organization of secure storage is considered based on two aspects: legal and technical ones. The article compares the threats of using biometrics and existing methods of preventing them, this analysis helps to identify a problem whose solution is not covered - the risk of biometric leakage due to the fault of employees. The authors propose methods to prevent this threat. The result of the proposed solutions, with proper information to citizens, is the expansion of opportunities for all market participants. From a theoretical point of view, the study of this topic will deepen the understanding of the mechanisms and principles of secure storage of biometric data, increase public awareness of the degree of security of storing biometrics. The practical significance of the study is the development of recommendations for improving secure data storage, identifying vulnerabilities in existing storage systems. Keywords: biometric technologies, financial technologies, digitalization of the banking industry, Unified Biometric System, personal data security, financial market, personal data leakage, biometric identification, biometric authentication. Hightlightts: - biometrics have become widespread in financial technologies, which are inextricably linked with the banking sector; - violation of the confidentiality of personal information is a serious problem for Russia; - the only unaddressed problem in the field of biometric data is the risk of data leakage due to the fault of employees with access to biometrics; - currently, sufficiently secure storage of biometric data has been implemented, which is confirmed by technical capabilities, legal regulation and comparison with international experience.

Ksenia A. Gurtovaya, Alla G. Okuneva - Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia

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