About the production potential of small and medium-sized businesses

Ivanov IN., Orlova L. V.

Abstract. The current state of domestic small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), including manufacturing businesses, is considered; the main areas of activity are shown. The main difficulties and risks to which small and medium-sized businesses are exposed were identified. It is noted that, despite the above-mentioned problems and risks, there has been no sharp deterioration in the position of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the market. It is recommended to use the experience of overcoming relevant problems in countries that, along with Russia, are experiencing the sanctions pressure. The need for more effective implementation of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives" is noted, as well as closer cooperation between SMEs and large businesses. The need for organizing targeted training at the country`s universities of personnel for organizing production activities in small and medium-sized businesses is emphasized. Keywords: production potential, small and medium-sized businesses, problems and risks, cooperation with large businesses, personnel training. Highlights: - the assessment of the current situation in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia is given; - the place of the manufacturing sector in the structure of SMEs is shown; - the problems and risks experienced by SMEs are outlined; - the experience of other countries in overcoming the relevant problems and risks is presented; - recommendations on more effective use of the provisions of the project "Small and medium-sized en-trepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative" are proposed; - the importance of cooperation between SMEs and enterprises and organizations of large business was emphasized; - the necessity of targeted training for SME companies, including for the manufacturing sector of these companies, is substantiated.

Igor N. Ivanov, Lyubov V. Orlova - State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

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