Analysis of the strategic balance sheet of the transportation industry of the DPR

Dudov A. Yu.

Abstract. Maintaining the strategic balance of the regional transportation system is a necessary condition for its competitiveness and existence. In this context, it is necessary to forecast the situation by identifying both the growth points of the industry and its bottlenecks. The purpose of the article is to analyze the positive and negative aspects of the development of the transport industry in the DPR in terms of its impact on the socio-economic level of development of the region. In accordance with this goal, such tasks are set as defining the concepts of "growth" and "regression" of the transport industry as variables for analysis, revealing their economic and social content, constructing a characteristic of growth-regression of the transport industry with the assignment of unique indices, a summary table of the relationship of variables, determining the zone of success of the implementation of industry growth, and justifying the need the need to adjust the strategic balance. The research method was an advanced SWOT analysis in the form of strategic balance analysis, which establishes the correlation between individual growth and regression variables of the industry. This method includes expert scoring, matrix and graphical approaches to display the results, adapted regression risk tolerance ratios. As a result, the strategic framework of the transport industry of the DPR was modeled by the graphical method on the basis of calculations of its current state and target state, and the level of strategic balance of the industry was assessed. Keywords: transportation industry, strategic balance, in-depth SWOT analysis, industry growth and regression, strategic framework, threats and risks of the industry. Hightlightts: - on the basis of open sources of information, the regional research base, the characterization of the strategic industry balance was formed on the parameters of "growth-regression"; - as a result of calculating the rank of each index by the expert point method the insignificant positive strategic balance of the transportation industry was revealed on the basis of the prevalence of growth factors; - a summary correlation matrix of indices by "growth-regression" parameters was calculated; - the level of success of growth strategy realization was determined as unstable, which correlates with the subsequent indicators of realization coefficients and the ratio of expected and unexpected risks; - the strategic balance of the investigated industry requires improvement in the future.

Aleksei Yu. Dudov - Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russia

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