Conceptual characteristics of innovative digital transformations in the domestic economic system

Rudavka N. V.

Abstract. Based on the systematization of conceptual provisions, it was established that innovative digital transformations of the economic system are directly related to the evolution of the transition to a new technological order due to structural changes in the industry subsystem based on the introduction of information and communication technologies ensuring the formation of new sectoral and functional structures of business entities. In order to assess trends of the digitalization, dynamics of the development of technological indicators is determined allowing to identify the key areas of transformation of economic activity. The leading subsystems of the digital economy are characterized that have a direct impact on the optimization of sectoral transformations in accordance with the specifics of creating a single information business space. As a result of this research, the author concludes that the digital transformation processes create prerequisites to improve the production and technological sector of the economy by establishing close interactions with the research field. Keywords: innovative digital transformations, economic system, sectoral and functional structures, digital economy. Hightlightts: - innovative digital changes are system-forming elements that activate the network and information space and are associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of information technologies and applied products; - the result of the development of the digital sector are technologies, goods and services that provide a symbiosis of new opportunities for both the economic system as a whole and its sectoral subsystems; - in the context of transformative trends, the level of introduction of information and communication technologies contributes to the development of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries or functional modification of the real sector, which ensures the reproduction of an economic system on a qualitatively new basis of functioning.

Natalia V. Rudavka - Bryansk State Technical University, E3ryansk, Russia

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