The key role of human capital in the process of generating and adapting innovative solutions

Most S.A.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the role of the innovative component of human capital on a global scale. The study highlights not only the impact of professional skills, but also the importance of material aspects for stimulating innovation activity. The complexity of measuring human capital is emphasized due to its multi-layered nature. The author focuses on the importance of deep knowledge, extensive experience, professional skills and active participation for effective management of innovation processes. Various methodological and conceptual approaches to the assessment of innovation potential are considered, special attention is paid to its structural components and determinants, which determine the ability of an organization to introduce new products, technologies and solutions. The importance of adaptability and flexibility in the process of innovation management is emphasized, since the modern business environment is characterized by rapid changes and uncertainty. Keywords: human capital, innovation, innovation potential, innovation process, innovative solutions, innovation factors, assessment of innovation potential, management of the innovation process. Highlights: - successful innovation management requires not only technical knowledge, but also the ability to stimulate creativity and manage change within the organization; - innovative potential is influenced by many factors and can be considered from various aspects, taking into account their complex nature; - effective management of the innovation process requires the availability of financial resources and intellectual capital, as well as a multi-dimensional view of the functioning of the organization.

Sergey A. Most - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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