Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of the Russian market for wholesale trade of industrial equipment

MakarovS.I., Lukianov M.A., IvanovD.V.

Abstract. The article provides an economic and statistical analysis of the wholesale market of industrial equipment in the Russian Federation and the Samara region. Statistical indicators reflecting market dynamics have been determined. The possibility of applicability of economic and statistical methods to economic indicators of the market, such as statistical grouping correlation and regression analysis, methods of nonpara-metric statistics, methods of analysis and modeling of time series, is substantiated. A comparative assessment of the dynamics of wholesale trade turnover in Russia and the Samara region was carried out usingthe method of comparative analysis, using relative values - lead coefficients. The forecast of the turnover indicators of wholesale trade in industrial equipment of the Russian Federation and the Samara region has been made. Keywords: industrial equipment wholesale market, wholesale trade market indicators, economic and statistical modeling, forecasting, inter-territorial analysis. Highlights: - the possibility of applicability to the economic indicators of the wholesale market of industrial equipment of economic and statistical methods such as statistical grouping, correlation and regression analysis, the method of nonparametric statistics Pattern, methods of analysis and modeling of time series, tabular and graphical methods; - the analysis of the dynamics of wholesale trade turnover in Russia and the Samara region is carried out; - the forecast of wholesale trade turnover indicators has been made.

Sergey I. Makarov, Maxim A. Lukianov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia, Dmitry V. Ivanov - Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russia, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

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