The economic security management system of the region

Loginov D.A., Ryabenko V.N.

Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to develop universal approaches to managing economic security at the regional level. The problem of the study lies in the lack of proven and universal solutions for establishing all parts of the economic security management system of the region, and therefore effectively functioning economic security management systems of the region are not widespread. The work is aimed at substantiating the image of the economic security management system of the region and its composition, structure and interaction of its constituent elements. As a result of the research, the authors proposed their own interpretation of the concept of the economic security management system of the region and justified the key links of this system. It is proved that the economic security management system of the region will be effective if it includes regulatory and legal support, monitoring procedures, strategic analysis and goal setting, decision-making process in the field of economic security, a set of economic security management bodies as part of coordinating and methodological bodies, as well as a mechanism for public control over the achievement of goals and objectives of regional economic security. It is proposed to create a system of economic security in the region, not obeying the classical sectoral principles of building regional management systems, but putting the priority of economic security at the forefront as a self-reproducing mechanism for creating the most favorable conditions for the development of society and regional economy. Keywords: economic security, region, management, public administration, management of socio-economic development of the region, strategy, threats, challenges to economic security, risks, socio-economic development. Highlights: - ensuring the economic security of the region requires the creation of an effective management system; - the implementation of the economic security management system is complicated by the classical scheme of regional socio-economic development management based on an industry approach; - it is advisable to ensure the management of the economic security of the region using a systematic approach, when monitoring, analysis, goal setting, regulatory design, management decision-making, financing and public control are combined into a single management system that provides a synergistic effect; - the creation of a regional economic security management system involves the formation of specialized coordinating and methodological bodies with powers extending to all sectoral executive authorities of the region.

Dmitry A. Loginov - Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia, Viktor N. Ryabenko - PROF-INVEST LLC, Kirov, Russia

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