Structure of working hours and conditions of remuneration of a teacher of a modern university

Troshina E.P., KutuevA.V.

Abstract The article analyzes specific features of the structure and nature of the teacher`s work in the modern conditions. The working day of a hypothetical high school teacher is considered, the structure of teachers` working hours in the context of weekly and daily observation is compared, and differences in the style of self-organization are also revealed. Keywords: higher school teachers, types of activities of a higher school teacher, economics of teaching, structure of working time Highlights: ♦ the time of the autonomy of the teacher`s activity can vary greatly due to the uneven distribution of the workload; ♦ the work activity of teachers is often not limited to weekdays and may include weekends traditionally allocated for recreational tasks; ♦ the increase in the average salary of teachers is associated with an factual increase in the workload, teaching practices in several universities and the inclusion of grant payments in the income part, and not with a real increase in the well-being of teachers.

Elena P. Troshina, Artem V. Kutuev - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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