Specific features of the budgets execution by the subjects of the Russian Federation in modern economic conditions

Mulendeeva L.N.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of specific features of the execution of regional budgets in the current economic conditions in Russia. The importance of considering this issue is due to the fact that the subjects of the Russian Federation are forced to pursue their budgetary policy in crisis socio-economic conditions over the past few years. The COVID 19 pandemic, unfavorable foreign economic and political conditions in the form of expanding the Western sanctions against Russia have a negative impact on the state of regional finances. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify problems and prospects for further functioning of subfederal budgets in these economic circumstances. In the course of the study, it was revealed that many Russian regions, including the Samara region, despite the problem of ensuring a balanced budget, demonstrate sustainable development, increase the volume of budget revenues and expenditures. The problem of the deficit of regional budgets is largely solved thanks to various forms of financial support from the federal budget, among which a special role is given to budget loans. Keywords: budget, budget policy, economic sanctions, budget expenditures, budget revenues, deficit, inter-budget transfers, budget credit, public debt Highlights: ♦ an analysis of the main parameters of the consolidated budget of the Samara region is given; ♦ the role of interbudgetary transfers in strengthening the revenue base of subfederal budgets has been determined; ♦ the main measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of expanding the possibilities of providing financial assistance to regional authorities and ensuring the balance of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were considered; ♦ the role of budget credits in ensuring the stable socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation was revealed.

Larisa N. Mulendeeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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