S.G. Strumilin - the founder of state planning

Gretchenko A.I., Gretchenko A.A.

Abstract. The article reveals the historical experience of the formation of the planned system of the USSR, the founder of which was Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin. He made a huge contribution to the theory of socialist planning; his works, written during the years of work in the USSR State Planning Committee, during the preparation of the first five-year plan, occupy an important place in the theoretical arsenal of national economic planning; the provisions formulated by S. G. Strumilin remain valid at the present time. Researchers of subsequent generations will return to his works on the theory of planning again and again. Keywords: state planning, Gosplan of the USSR, the science of planning, the system of material balances, the country`s planning system, strategic planning, convergence theory, the system of indirect regulation, the balance of the national economy Highlights: ♦ a systematic analysis of the historical experience of the formation of the planning system in the USSR has been carried out, which, through the long-term efforts of its supporters, has been so deeply transplanted into the entire system of the Russian society that it is difficult to imagine not only an integral, but even a fragmentary one-time abolition of it; ♦ the role of planning in each new epoch of the country`s economic development is shown, with the remaining separate forms of planning operating in the new conditions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation; ♦ the author`s proposals for the modernization of new forms of planning while preserving specific features of the national tradition and the mechanism for reforming the state regulation using the accumulated experience of planning related to the transition of the Russian Federation to market relations are presented.

Anatoly I. Gretchenko -Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Alexander A. Gretchenko - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

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