Conceptual directions of adaptation of the agro-industrial complex to a new technological environment

Oborin M.S., Gorodilov М.А.

Abstract. As a result of political and trade-economic transformations in Russia and other countries, the nature of interaction has changed significantly, as far as agriculture is concerned. The agro-industrial complex of the country cannot develop at a high pace due to the influence of not only external, but also internal reasons: outdated technical equipment, lack of financial resources, underdevelopment of human capital, lack of qualified personnel, volatility of prices for agricultural products and others. It is necessary to activate mechanisms for adapting the development of various forms of the agricultural activity based on the implementation of measures of the state control system and stabilization of domestic agribusiness on a single conceptual basis, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the industry`s adaptation to the new technological environment. The research purpose is to form conceptual directions that ensure the consistency of strategic goals and tools for the preparation and adaptation of various forms of the agricultural activity in the new environment. Monographic, analytical, abstract-logical methods, generalization method, modeling are used in this article. The study showed that macroeconomic and geopolitical transformation of the existing relationships led to a number of changes taking place both in the country and within the framework of interstate cooperation, the agro-industrial complex of the Russian economy was under pressure from unfavorable mac-roeconomic factors. The influence of systemic problems of the agro-industrial sector is increasing, expressed in the low material and technical level of enterprises, financial instability of agribusiness entities, personnel problems, price imbalances. In this regard, effective mechanisms of adaptation of the agro-industrial complex to the prevailing realities on a new conceptual basis are needed. The current conditions are a new strategic opportunity for the agro-industrial complex of the country, the basis of which is represented by a systematic innovation process provided by rational management decisions. Conceptual directions should be implemented consistently by management levels in the conditions of qualitative forecasting and modeling of agricultural targets in various subjects of the country. Keywords: conceptual directions, agro-industrial complex, agribusiness entities, adaptation, technological environment Highlights: ♦ determination of technological limitations of intensification of the development of the agro-industrial complex; ♦ assessment of the level of manufacturability and development of agricultural innovations; ♦ development of a conceptual model of development stages of the concept for the preparation of agricultural entities to new economic conditions; ♦ development of key strategic directions for the adaptation of different forms of the agricultural activity and production.

Matvey S. Oborin - Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia, Perm Institute (branch) Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm, Russia, Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, Perm, Russia; Michael А. Gorodilov - Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia

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