Application of ESG principles in the management accounting system of Russian companies

Spiridonova LA, Korneeva T.A.

Abstract. The requests of the management of an economic entity to the management accounting system (MAS), in which financial and non-financial information about planned and incurred costs is generated, determine the need for further improvement of MAS, the development of its theoretical, methodological and organizational provisions and prospects. Sustainable development, which almost every company strives for, is a long-term strategy based on a set of interrelated principles implying concern for the environment, interests of the society, as well as social and corporate responsibility. The principles of ESG transformation are considered, as well as the issues of the application of ESG factors by Russian companies updated in the conditions of the contemporary economic reality in order to form a management accounting data system that ensures sustainable financial development taking into account the ongoing impact of risks. The analysis of the practice of applying ESG principles in various sectors of the economy is carried out, as well as the problems associated with the implementation of the ESG system at enterprises and corporations using observation and sampling methods are identified. Keywords: ESG principles, sustainable development, management accounting system, ESG risks, corporate social responsibility Highlights: ♦ the ESG principles system and its role in the company`s management accounting system are identified; ♦ the necessity of integrating ESB principles and the company`s business strategy is substantiated highlighting the focus group of factors in accordance with industry specifics; ♦ a set of measures is proposed that contribute to the formation of information in the management accounting system as part of the implementation of the ESG concept in the company.

Lyubov А. Spiridonova, Tatiana A. Korneeva - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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