Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Russia: statistical assessment of the achievement of the target indicators of the national project

Repina E.G.

Abstract. The article considers the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the formation of a vector of progressive movement towards economic growth. The results of studies on the state of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship at the national level have been accumulated, taking into account the special relevance of measures to support this sector of the economy during the global instability caused by the COVID - 19 pandemic. The relevance of the study is indisputable, since it is the creation of a powerful entrepreneurial sector in the national economy that can accelerate economic growth and bring the state closer to achieving national development goals. The purpose of this study is to assess the achievability of key target indicators of a profile national project implemented in Russia starting in 2018. The state of the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship (SME) sector in Russia for the period 2010-2021 has been characterized by the methods of deconstruction, applied statistical analysis, as well as a descriptive method. The business sector employs more than 20% of the economically active population, which provides 19.8% of GDP and is mainly represented in trade, manufacturing and construction. In the whole country, entrepreneurial activity has increased, but this trend is more noticeable among early, aspiring entrepreneurs. Despite significant government support and efforts at all levels of government, a negative assessment of the achievement of the main triggers of the national project on entrepreneurship was received. Keywords: national project, statistical research, small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, target indicators Highlights: ♦ the conditions of entrepreneurship development at the national level are characterized, taking into account the special relevance of support measures in the period of global instability; ♦ the analysis of the state of the business sector and entrepreneurial activity in the country has been carried out; ♦ a negative assessment of the achievement of triggers for the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative" was obtained.

Evgeniia G. Repina, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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