Analysis of real cash income and purchasing power in Russia

Chistik O.F.

Abstract. One of the most important characteristics of the socio-economic situation and social well-being of citizens is their income. It defines personal financial situation and measures the effect of economic development. Therefore, the relevance of the study follows from the Presidential Decree "On National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2030" aimed at economic growth, achieving the results of increasing income and improving the quality of life of all citizens. The federal and regional approach to the analysis of the dynamics of indicators of monetary income of citizens has been implemented. The change in the current level of real monetary income, due to the complex structure of its elements at various levels, was examined. In order to quantify the potential opportunities of living standards, the purchasing power of Russian citizens` monetary income was determined. Hierarchical classification of qualitatively homogeneous group of Russian regions based on interregional comparisons on rate of acceleration (deceleration) of real cash income decrease in the time period 2018-2020 has been carried out. Based on integrative indicators estimates a change in the structure of monetary income of citizens has been identified. Analytical and methodological support serves as the basis for the development of the set of measures by the government executive authorities of the federal and regional levels to ensure conditions for improving the quality of life of Russian citizens. Keywords: real cash income, ranking, change, acceleration rate, structural differences Highlights: ♦ a quantitative assessment of the negative change in real cash income for 2015-2019 in Russia and Samara region under the multi-directional influence of factor indicators is given; ♦ a predominantly significant level of structural differences in monetary income in Russia and in federal districts over a 10-year time period by the method of integrative estimates was identified; ♦ ranking of regions in a qualitatively homogeneous group by means of application of interregional comparisons of decrease of real monetary income in time period on the basis of rate of acceleration (deceleration) indicator was carried out; ♦ the approach of establishing a quantitative assessment of the dynamics of the purchasing power of monetary income in Russia has been implemented; the trend for decreasing purchasing power of income on the commodity equivalent of basic goods was revealed.

Olga F. Chistik, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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