Bogatova M.A.

The franchise model is currently the most profitable, fast-growing business format that ensures the economic growth of the regional and Russian economy. The subject of the study was the program for the development of a franchise business network in the market. The purpose of this study is to develop effective management measures to expand the use of franchise relations in business networks. The use of the author`s approach allowed to build a step-by-step program for scaling a ready-made partner business and increase the level of transparency of franchise relations. The practical significance lies in the development of a set of practical steps within the framework of the implementation of the action program to enhance the use of franchising in the Russian economy, which will increase the number of new participants in franchise systems. Keywords: franchising, development program, franchisor, franchaisee, franchise, franchising department, commercial concession agreement. Highlights: ♦ a phased program for the development of a franchise network for enterprises has been developed in order to increase the scale of activities and achieve efficiency and business sustainability; ♦ the organizational structure of the franchising department is determined, which is necessary for competent support of the franchise launch, regulation of further actions of the franchisee and minimization of possible risks; ♦ a questionnaire for the selection of a potential franchisee is suggested.

Maria A. Bogatova, Postgraduate Student of the Samara State University of Economics.

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