The article considers the correlation between the national goals set by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 474 of 21.07.2020 and the key initiatives in the areas defined in the developed strategy of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The national goal, designated as "decent, effective labour and successful entrepreneurship", is particularly highlighted. The article reveals the multi-layered content of this goal, its connection with other components of the system of national goals and with the key initiatives of the developed strategy. It analyzes the problems of practical implementation of a set of measures implemented in the regions of the Russian Federation to support the development of entrepreneurship, puts forward and justifies proposals for improving federal and regional support practices.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, national goals, work of an entrepreneur, entrepreneurial competencies, training of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial university.
♦ the definition of entrepreneurial activity given in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 474 of 21.07.2020 is essential for a new understanding of the essence of this economic phenomenon. Entrepreneurship, considered as a national goal for the period up to 2030, is connected in this understanding with the theme of decent and effective work, and this connection is of great theoretical and practical importance;
♦ entrepreneurship as a special type of work activity requires fundamental professional training. This leads to the requirements for filling the educational programs in universities, and new formats of their work. The creation of entrepreneurial universities is on the agenda of higher education reform;
♦ entrepreneurship should be considered not only as a specific type of labor activity, but also as an element of other types of labor activity. A relevant topic in this regard is the inclusion of ordinary employees in various forms in the management process;
♦ the study conducted by the authors showed the complexity of this process, due to the need to form a new organizational culture. The goal of this formation is the achievement by 2030 in the Russian labor sphere of a state that could be qualified as "decent, effective labour and successful entrepreneurship".
Alexander P. Zhabin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management.; Elena V. Volkodavova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management. - Samara State University of Economics.