In the context of ongoing changes affecting the existing system of world economic relations and the structure of many global markets, the sources of which are both economic and non-economic in nature, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has updated the task of bringing the country`s economy to higher than world growth rates. Inevitable restructuring of global value chains in the course of another crisis caused by the spread of a new Coronavirus infection requires a new approach to modeling changes in global chains, as well as to determining the optimal places for national companies to integrate into them. The purpose of this research is to study the necessity and possibilities of modeling changes in global value chains in the context of the transformation of the structure of global markets and world economic relations. Modeling changes in global value chains, assessing the ability and capacity of national companies to take the best positions in them serve as the basis for proactive management of changes in the manufacturing industry, both at the state level and at the level of individual companies. Thus, the development of a new scientific approach to modeling changes in value chains is aimed at justifying opportunities and conditions for improving the competitiveness of the national economy and business and, as a result, for accelerating economic growth.
Keywords, economic growth, economic security, business structures, global value chains, sustainability of global chains, directed changes. Highlights:
♦ the efficiency of companies involved in global value chains has impact on the sustainable growth of the national economy; the increase in the importance of this impact determines the expansion of the range of studies devoted to this area;
♦ modeling the transformation of value chains should be carried out on the basis of principles of maintaining a balance between the economic interests of the participants in the chains and the priorities of the national economy;
♦ criteria for the feasibility of including national companies in global value chains should be effects of import substitution and export orientation, as well as increasing the share of value added of high-tech products developed throughout the country;
♦ the development of national industry through the production of high-value-added goods on an innovative basis through flexible integration into global value chains is an important source of economic growth of the national economy, and meeting the criteria of import substitution and export orientation is a factor in ensuring the national economic security.
Ashmarina Svetlana Igorevna, Doctor of Economics, Professor.; Kandrashina Elena Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor.; Plaksina Irina Anatolievna, Head of the Competition and Grant Support Department. — Samara State University of Economics.