Kandrashina E.A., Ustinova G.H.

The rapid pace of development of the world economy is pushing our country to new achievements in the field of innovation. This process is quite time-consuming in all respects, starting with financial factors, but nevertheless in recent years Russia has made a significant leap in this direction. A large number of enterprises are seeking to enter the international market, while needing government support. When forming and implementing state innovation policy, it may be difficult to analyze data, since different methods of calculating indicators are used. Therefore, it is necessary that all countries use a common system for calculating indicators to ensure their comparability and correct comparison of the dynamics of development, as well as the factors that determine it. In order to assess the level of innovation activity of organizations, countries use the same indicator, the calculation method of which was introduced into the domestic practice of statistical observation in December 2019 simultaneously with the change in the calculation of the indicator "The share of organizations that implement technological innovations in the total number of surveyed organizations". The methodological approach to their calculation is based on updated international standards and takes into account a significantly wider range of innovative organizations, which causes a significant increase of the observed indicators. Keywords: innovative activity, technological innovations, process innovation, product innovation, calculation methods. Highligh ts: ♦ a new methodological approach to calculating indicators of innovation activity of organizations based on updated international standards provides measurable goals for increasing the number of organizations that implement technological innovations, as defined by decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 07.05.2018 № 204; ♦ the calculation methods take into account a much wider range of innovative organizations, which leads to a significant increase in the observed indicators; ♦ the conducted survey of representatives of public and private organizations of the Samara region allowed us to conclude that the new methodological approach more adequately reflects the level of innovation activity of organizations.

Elena A. Kandrashina, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Guliya H. Ustinova, Senior teacher - Samara State University of Economics.

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