With the development of market relations in the Russian Federation, internal control is becoming increasingly important in the management systems of organizations. The most effective functioning of the internal control system, as well as the quality and timely organization of audits, their systematic implementation are aimed at achieving a number of goals, such as the formation of economic stability, transparent financial reporting, and ensuring information communication between all levels of management of the organization. However, at the moment there is no unified methodology for a comprehensive approach to the problem of internal control in economic entities. The study uses general scientific methods of knowledge, including methods of classification, generalization, description, as well as methods of economic analysis. The article presents a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system and the factors that may affect it. The proposed method is considered on the example of JSC “Giprovostokneft”, which is engaged in design and engineering surveys of oil and gas production, treatment and transport facilities. This method is aimed at developing solutions to the problem of implementing internal control in the oil industry.
Keywords: economic security, internal control system, risk, assessment, auditor, controller. Highlights:
♦ based on the study of the modern regulatory framework that assess the effectiveness of internal control at enterprises the authors concluded that there is no unified methodology for a comprehensive approach to this problem;
♦ a method for evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system based on a system of key performance indicators was proposed, and this method was tested based on the materials of JSC “Giprovostokneft”;
♦ the main factors related to the activity of the oil industry enterprise and affecting the risk component are highlighted.
Irina V. Frolova, Candidate of Economics; Tatyana M. Tarasova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Samara State University of Economics.