Streltsov A. V., Yakoviev G.I.

Relevance of the research is in defining the role of machine building economic activities, as in general manufacturing industries, scientific-technical and socio-economic development of the country, they occupy place in system of world economic relations and the success of the digital economy functioning. The problems of development of the modern machine-building complex in Russia are associated with the peculiarities of its development, the formation of a large added value, the need to constantly update the production potential, which is complicated by a weak material, technical and resource base, and the unfinished restructuring of the industry. The purpose of the study is to consider the key characteristics of the industry that are necessary for the formation of a mechanism for technical and economic development of enterprises in the production of high consumer value-innovative industrial products. Methods of analysis, statistical groupings, technological foresight, and meaningful economic interpretation of phenomena from the practice of enterprises management and organizations of the industry at the national and international levels were used. As a result of the research, we suggest the formation of an industrial policy based on modern achievements of science and technology, a strategy for the development of Russian machine-building at the state level, including a set of measures to solve interrelated problems of engineering in technical, technological, personnel, financial, economic, legislative and other areas. The most important organizational and managerial task is the complex technological re-equipment of machine-building enterprises. Keywords: technical development, industrial policy, engineering, efficiency, features of development, investment, innovation, digital economy, socio-economic crisis. Highlights: ♦ modern machine-building enterprises integrate innovative developments and achievements in various fields of science and technology, embody the basic conditions for maintaining a high level of technical systems in other types of economic activity, provide a stable level of economic efficiency and international competitiveness of the national economy; ♦ the state of machine-building enterprises is currently characterized mainly as critical, in the conditions of chronic underfunding of the renewal of the production apparatus, the withdrawal of depreciation funds for non-production needs, the gap in both inter-industry cooperation and in the chain of creating new consumer value between R&D institutions and serial enterprises, which is critical for competitiveness in the digital economy; ♦ future development of machine-building complex in the study was linked with the managerial coordination of all elements of the innovation-investment chain, new value creation between developers and manufacturers of machine-building products, creating a consistent mechanism for technical and organizational development, including cross-sectoral cooperation.

Alexey V. Streltsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Economics, Organization and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises Department; Gennady I. Yakovlev, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Economics, Organization and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises Department. - Samara State University of Economics.

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