Both scientists and practitioners have a widespread belief that innovation is the main driver of progress, economic growth and the creation of new jobs. However, the question of whether this is true regarding innovations created in the digitalization space is the subject of scientific discussion. In particular, the issues actively discussed in the scientific community are the impact of digitalization on the creation of new professions and the destruction (transfor-mation) of former ones, the demanded competencies of the future. The aim of this study is to analyze existing forecasts of the development of the labor market in the context of global digi-talization, identify the most relevant competencies and justify the appropriateness of applying the axiological (value) approach to the analysis of these aspects. The main methods used to solve the research problems are analysis, synthesis and generalization. As a result of the study, the uneven effect of digital technologies on employment changes is identified, the most de-manded competencies of the future are identified, scenarios of possible development of the labor market are analyzed, an attempt is made to connect these scenarios with groups of the most required competencies and skills and justify the importance of taking into account the value component in the study of the modern global labor market, design and implementation of vocational training and retraining programs.
Keywords: competencies, professional training and retraining, labor market, develop-ment scenarios, values, digitalization.
digitalization is largely supplanting low skilled competences and contributes to the de-velopment and importance of highly qualified competences; however, it is unclear what types of technologies cause these effects and whether technologies generalized into the digital cate-gory lead to such a transformation of the labor market;
the emphasis today should be shifted from the consideration of the “professions of the future” to the “competencies” and, accordingly, the “values” of the future;
technical skills will play an important role along with human skills in the future;
the 4-world model from PwC echoes the Riemann-Thoman model, which means that the key competencies of the future, as well as the scenarios (directions) of further develop-ment of the labor market, are directly related to the basic value orientations of the personality.
Valentina V. Mantulenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the De-partment of Applied Management of Samara State University of Economics.