The formation of the postindustrial economy involves faster growth in the services sector, supported by its new driving forces. The purpose of the study was to justify territorialization of sharing relations as a new factor, due to its comprehensive application. These relations can influence the structure of the entire economy. The author used systemic, structural-analytical, functional, statistical and graphical methods. The immediate theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the three-sector model of the structuring of Fisher-Clark economy. The results of the quantitative analysis indicate the continuous territorialization of the world economy in the 21st century and the existence of differences in its origin among groups of countries with different levels of economic development. The study of the evolution of consumer access to goods allowed us to determine the distribution of sharing as a factor in the post-industrial transformation of the sectoral structure of the economy.
Keywords: sharing, territorialization, post-industrial economy, access-based consumption, rent, car-sharing, co-consumption, Internet communications.
the continuous expansion of the services sector in the world economy was established; its features with respect to groups of countries with different levels and structural characteristics of economic development were noted;
the service evolution of consumer access to goods during the transition from commodity exchange transactions to leases, and in recent years to various forms of sharing relationships was shown;
the role of sharing as a factor in the post-industrial economy was substantiated.
Vyacheslav A. Perepelkin, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy, Samara State University of Economics.