The study evaluates the positions of the Perm region in the Volga Federal District under the digital economic development. The study was conducted on the basis of methodologies for assessing the state and progress of digital economy technologies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, developed by Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and the National Research Institute of Technology and Communications. The study has found that the existing methodology does not take into account the ratio of digital supply and demand, the uneven implementation of digitalization areas of the Perm region and the specific features of “smart city” technologies in the city of Perm. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction of digital processes in the “City - Region” system in assessing the overall level of digital economic transformation of the region and the country. Additional indicators are proposed for assessing the level of the digital economic development in cities and regions, the practical use of which will increase the degree of reliability when evaluating the effectiveness of digital processes and digital technologies for decision-making in the regional management system, and will also contribute to a more effective implementation of the digital transformation model of the economy in Russian regions.
Keywords: Perm region, region, largest city, digital economy, indicators of “smart city”, index “Digital Russia”.
the position of the Perm region in the digital economy of the Volga Federal District using the method of «Index “Digital Russia”» and the method of “NIITS 2017” was analyzed;
the shortcomings of the «Index “Digital Russia”» method and the “NIITS 2017” methodology were identified in the context of their use to determine territorial disproportions and assess the level of digitization of the regional economy of the Russian Federation;
indicators reflecting regional imbalances in digitization of the national economy were identified;
new methodological approaches to digital inequality in the “City - Region” system were developed.
Alexander M. Elokhov, Candidate of Economics; Tatiana V. Alexandrova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor - Perm State National Research University.