Permitina L. V.

Under high competition, the financial success of the enterprise largely depends on the satisfaction of consumer demands regarding the quality of products and on the level of production costs. For the food industry, the issue of reducing costs without compromising product quality is most acute. The solution of this problem is possible due to the application of new approaches to the production accounting system accompanying the product at all stages of its life cycle. The aim of the study is to formulate theoretical positions and practical recommendations on the use of target costing in order to reduce production costs based on the achievement of an optimal level of costs. The study used the scientific concepts of various schools in the field of industrial accounting, systemic and dialectical approaches: analysis, synthesis, method of chronological analysis and graphical modeling, method, cost-based method, comparison, building models, expert method, etc. The theoretical and methodological provisions of optimizing production costs based on the use of target costing are considered. The stages of target costing developed by the author have practical significance and allow solving the problem of optimizing production costs at enterprises at the stage of developing new types of products. Keywords: cost accounting, target costing, costing, optimization, self-cost of products. Highlights: the theoretical positions of the cost-costing to optimize the costs of the pre-production stage of manufacturing products are considered; the stages of target costing, which allows optimizing the indicators of production costs to the target level at the stage of developing a new type of product that provides the necessary level of profit and profitability were identified; the content of target costing at the enterprises of the baking industry were disclosed.

Lyudmila V. Permitina, a post-graduate student of the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk.

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