The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the sphere of trade is one of the most common types of economic activity in Russia. The potential and level of the socio-economic development of the region is determined by the turnover of wholesale and retail trade organizations. Therefore, the analysis of competitive behavior makes it possible to identify the effectiveness of activities in the regional market, the duration of the business presence and its strategic prospects. The dynamism of the industry has a significant impact on competitive behavior of trade organizations, contributing to the organization of systemic management of competitive advantages. The problem is that acute forms of competition in trade can have negative consequences associated with the low quality of goods sold, with losses, unfair actions towards consumers and with false information. Managing competitive behavior on a scientific basis will contribute to a lasting effect for trade organizations in the regional market and the formation of strategic relationships with customers. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for managing the competitive advantages of trade organizations in the regional market. Such methods were used as statistical analysis, expert-analytical method, modeling of socio-economic processes based on the features of regional trade markets. As a result of the study, theoretical approaches to the concept of competitive advantages are considered, directions for analyzing competitive behavior and its features for organizations of regional trade markets are defined. The author characterizes indicators of wholesale and retail trade in the federal districts of the country, makes reasonable conclusions about the factors influencing the dynamics of regional markets. A model of managing competitive behavior of trade organizations is formed, the following main groups of indicators for monitoring its efficiency are identified: financial and economic, market and network.
Keywords: competitive behavior, competitiveness, trade, financial sustainability, quality measurement tools, management model, strategy.
the theoretical aspects of the concept of competitive advantages and its content for trade organizations are defined;
the analysis of the competitive behavior of trade organizations, tools and models for its evaluation are characterized;
the indicators of wholesale and retail trade in the regions of Russia are analyzed; the dynamics depending on the federal district of trade organizations are studied;
a model for managing competitive behavior under current market conditions is proposed, taking into account financial, economic, market and network indicators.
Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics of Perm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor of the Department of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory, Perm State National Research University, Professor of the Department of Management, Perm State Agro-Technological University, Professor of Management and Technology in Tourism and Services of Sochi State University.