Serper Е.А., Khvostenko O.A., Popova E.V.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need for reforms in the pension sphere and assess their impact on the economy. The introduction of the term “person of pre-retirement age” into scientific circulation is justified. Its definition is clarified and expanded in comparison with that contained in the legislation. It was proposed to expand the list of sources of financial resources for the formation of individual pension capital through the amnesty of capital and attracting funds held in foreign accounts of citizens. Keywords: pension system, pension insurance, pension fund, working age, retirement age, pre-retirement age, retirement savings, investments, individual retirement capital. Highlights: a characteristic of the socio-demographic state of the population of Russia is presented; a need to improve the system of pension insurance and security is justified; an analysis of macroeconomic consequences, which can lead to changes in the pension sphere is carried out; the sources of formation of individual pension capital are defined.

Eugene A. Serper, Doctor of Economics; Oleg A. Khvostenko, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Samara State University of Economics; Ekaterina V. Popova, a graduate student of Samara State University of Economics.

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