The urgency of the problem under research is due to the debatable nature of the categories “investment climate”, “investment attractiveness” and “in-vestment potential”. The author`s position on these debatable issues of the es-sential characteristics of the categories under consideration and the establish-ment of the relationship between them was substantiated. The purpose of the study is to formulate the author`s concept, revealing the essence of the catego-ries under consideration, and to form a system of private indicators of the re-gion`s investment attractiveness. The research methods are systematic and ana-lytical methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. As a result, the dy-namics of investment indicators for the period from 2010 to 2016 were re-vealed. The importance of improving the investment climate and the region`s investment attractiveness in the formulation of the regional development strat-egy was determined. This makes it possible to ensure high rates of economic growth, the formation of a growing investment potential, an increase in com-petitiveness, the removal of social tensions and an increase in the standard of living of the population.
Keywords: investment process, investment activity, investment attrac-tiveness, investment climate.
the dynamics of the investment process indicators for the period 2010-2016 was analyzed;
the feasibility of applying marketing approaches for organizing the pro-duction and sale of selected products or product systems in selected market segments was identified and the need to substantiate the market concept of the region was established;
the essence and internal relations between the categories of “investment climate”, “investment attractiveness” and “investment potential” were substan-tiated;
the system of private indicators of investment attractiveness of the re-gion was formed;
the importance of improving the investment climate and investment at-tractiveness when developing a regional development strategy was determined.
Artem I. Krivtsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Olga F. Chistik, Doctor of Economics, Professor - Samara State University of Economics.