Khasaev G.R., Khmeleva G.A., Korolevà E.N.

The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of economic transformation in Russian regions in the innovative aspect and to determine measures to accelerate it. For this purpose, the theoretical basis of transformation of the economy in the innovative aspect is studied, the coefficient of the rate of transformation of the economy is introduced, the methodology for assessing the stability of regional innovation subsystems under external influences (economic sanctions 2014-2016) is developed and tested, the results of a survey of innovative enterprises in regions are presented, practical measures are proposed to support the most promising regions and enterprises in the innovative aspect. The scientific novelty of the research is to develop a tool for assessing the state of structural transformation of the regional economy in the innovative aspect. The applied use of the article results is connected with the development of practical measures to create favorable conditions for accelerating the process of transformation of the economy and intensification of innovation in regions. To achieve the purpose, the authors proposed the speed ratio of transformation of the economy in regions and methods of sustainability appraisal of regional innovation systems, the use of which allowed identifying the leading regions. The study of the specifics of the economic structure of the leading regions in the restructuring of the economy and the stability of innovation systems, as well as their experience of restructuring and innovation activities, the results of surveys of innovative enterprises allowed forming an information base of conclusions about the problems of structural transformation. The result of the article is a well-grounded concept for the development of a pilot project aimed at systematic work on the formation of a new model of the economy in regions based on new knowledge and technologies. Keywords: region, structural transformation, innovation, economic sanctions, project. Highlights: • structural transformation is the process of transformation of the economy of Russian regions on the basis of deep technological modernization of traditional industrial production and on the basis of new high-tech industries; • the key to the successful structural transformation of the economy in the region is sustainable innovation systems and ensuring the operating growth rates of the manufacturing sector compared to the mining sector; • almost a third of Russian regions are already experiencing economic transformation towards expansion of the manufacturing sector, but regional innovation subsystems are not sufficiently stable yet; • the concept of the project is to create a “window of opportunity” for regions seeking to form a modern structure of the economy with high-tech industries and the production of competitive products.

Gabibulla R. Khasaev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Acting rector; Galina A. Khmeleva, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor; Elena N. Koroleva, Doctor of Economics, Professor - Samara State University of Economics.

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