Myslyakova Yu.G., Matushkina N.A.

The relevance of the topic of this article is the subject of the fact that existing modern theories of innovation and industrial development of territories have not formed a unified approach to the solution of topical issues of the regional economy, therefore, the study’s aim is to justify a new code approach to the innovation and industrial development of Russian regions and develop recommendations for modeling its basic code. The authors of the work revealed the codes of the territory, which determine peculiarities and inclination of the region to various static and dynamic processes, under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors of economic practice. The scientific significance of the study is characterized by methodological recommendations for modeling the region’s base code, based on the authors’ methodology for assessing the “defining” area codes, on the matrix of code connections that reflect the power of their mutual influence on the structure of the innovation and industrial code. The introduction of the methodology for modeling the basic innovation and industrial development code, based on the example of the Sverdlovsk region, confirms the practical significance of the authors’ findings from the point of view of their application as a tool for forecasting the economic growth / decline of any territory, taking into account its historically developed potential and specifics. The results obtained will be of interest to researchers engaged in the development of the theory and methodology of the innovation and / or industrial regional economy. Keywords: code approach, innovation and industrial development, hereditary territory record, core of “defining” codes, strength of the code connection, modeling of the base code. Highlights: • the content of the code approach to the region’s innovation and industrial development through its main provisions is disclosed; • a step-by-step methodology for modeling the basic code of the region’s innovation and industrial development is presented; • a model of the basic code of the region’s innovation and industrial development is presented using the example of the Sverdlovsk region.

Yulia G. Myslyakova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Economics; a senior scientific worker, Institute of Economics, the Urals branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg; Natalia A. Matushkina, Candidate of Economics, a senior scientific worker, Institute of Economics, the Urals branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg.

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