World statistics show the growing activity of private investors. Instead of debating about the growing demand for infrastructure and the adequacy of its financing, it is more urgent to find effective mechanisms for attracting investments in infrastructure assets. The meso-economic analysis of the demand for infrastructure support services for organizations that form priority clusters in the Republic of Tatarstan was carried out in order to focus on the existing need when creating infrastructure for the industry, taking into account the financing of transport and other infrastructure on a parity basis. The distribution factors of productive forces in the clusters are ranged. It is determined that the quality of transport connections plays a paramount role. It is established that in all investigated clusters the transport services are increased. It was revealed that the enterprises of the oil and gas chemical cluster are ready to finance the development of the transport infrastructure from profit (possibly on a parity basis with the state) in order to lift the restrictions of its industrial growth. For the marginal evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in the development of the transport complex, a regression model of "investment-profit" has been obtained. It shows that with the growth of industrial capitalization, its profit increases at an accelerated pace, each additional ruble of investment makes a big return.
Keywords: infrastructure, investment, industry, cluster.
on the basis of a survey of the heads of more than 60 large enterprises that provide 48% of GRP of the Republic of Tatarstan, the importance of the factors for locating the productive forces has been determined. It is established that, firstly, this significance depends on the stage of the production cycle, and secondly, more and more enterprises of the republic experience restrictions in the development of transport infrastructure;
as a result of the correlation-regression analysis of statistical indicators, it is proved that, firstly, in all investigated clusters there is a tendency to increase the demand for transport services, and secondly, the enterprises of the oil and gas chemical cluster are theoretically ready to finance the development of the transport infrastructure from profit (perhaps on a parity basis with the state) with a view to removing the limitations of its industrial growth;
the multiplier effect in the transport sector has been revealed: with the increase in capitalization of the industry, its profit grows at an accelerated rate, i.ะต. every additional ruble of investment makes more and more returns.
Tatyana F. Paley, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, head of the Department of General Management, Kazan Federal University.