At the state level, a policy is actively being developed to increase the effectiveness of the activities of scientific organizations. Within the framework of change management in order to increase the effectiveness of their activities, taking into account its specifics, optimization of used methodological principles and management models is required.
The purpose of the study is to identify models of change management that are most acceptable for scientific organizations. Key methods: theoretical analysis, generalization, grouping, content analysis, method of expert assessments.
The study analyzed a sufficient number of existing models of change, in most cases of a practical nature and based on a study of transformation in organizations. As a result, the characteristics that are present in the models studied, on the basis of which the classification of these models was carried out, are revealed. The advantages of choosing a particular model for practical implementation in scientific institutions are revealed.
In order to achieve the objectives of managing scientific organizations both at the micro and macro levels, when choosing tools for implementing any organizational changes, it is advisable to take into account the specificity of the activity, and for practical use, a combination of different types of models is required in the conditions of the particular institution.
The recommendations proposed in the article on the choice of the model of change management for the selected research object - scientific organizations - are new and obtained using theoretical and content analysis.
Keywords: scientific organization, organizational changes, level of changes, factors of changes, models of change management.
changes in scientific organizations are the objective necessity, dictated by both state policy and internal current problems;
there is a wide range of practical models of change management that can be used by scientific organizations;
when choosing tools to implement changes in scientific organizations, it is advisable to take into account the specificity of their activities, and for practical use it is advisable to combine different models in the conditions of a particular organization.
Anna A. Maltseva, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Director of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Innovation Activity of the Higher School named after E.A. Lurie; Elena V. Klyushnikova, a senior research assistant - Tver State University.