Germanova O.E., Poltavskiy D.E.

Technologial innovations and technical progress common and peculiar aspects are singled out in the article. Operations function of Russian production sector(2008-2009 year) is proved in the article, where production factor, labour and capital are described as technological innovations. Innovation parametres and technical progress dinamices are changed: efficiency, capitalcoifficient and innovation technologies; labour, capital, innovation average and limit productiveness; marginal substitution capital rate on innovations, labour innovations; on the basis of all these factors the author made a conclusion about the type of technical progress and utilize factors influence on economic growth. Keywords: innovations; limit of labour, capital, innovation efficiency; marginal substitution capital rate on innovations, labour innovations; parameters and type of technical progress; economical growth.

Olga E. Germanova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Southern Federal District University, Rostov; Dmitriy E. Poltavskiy, candidate of Economics of Federal Treasury of Rostov District.

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