Changing the degree of suppliers` influence in the value chains

Kharitonova D.V.

Abstract In the article, the author examines the dependence of the influence of suppliers and their position in the value chain. From the point of view of the institutional framework the model of five competitive forces is taken. In this model, one of the competitive forces is a dependence degree on suppliers. In the course of the import substitution policy, which is beingactively implemented at present, the issue of suppliers` influence is of particular relevance. The author hypothesizes that depending on the stage of the value chain where the supplier is located, the degree of its influence on the manufacturer may change. The research used such methods as analysis of domestic and foreign literature, deduction, generalization and graphical representation of the research results. The conclusions are made that when analyzing the degree of supplier influence on production, it is impossible to rely solely on the position it occupies in the value chain. Keywords: suppliers, supplier influence, influence change, value chain, stage Highlights: ♦ suppliers act as one of the key actors influencing producers; ♦ the extent of suppliers` influence is not directly related to their position in the value chain; ♦ further research and development of a methodology to assess the extent of suppliers` influence in the value chain is needed.

Daria V. Kharitonova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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