Portfolio approach to the management of scientific and technical developments of the university

Evdokimov N.N.

Abstract One of the key limitations of improving the effectiveness of innovative activities of universities is the imperfection of management tools and mechanisms applied. This is due to many reasons, including a small number of specialized and adapted management technologies for higher education. The article substantiates the expediency of applying a portfolio approach to the management of scientific and technical developments of the university, formulates its main parameters taking into account peculiarities of the organization of higher education, and also suggests possible criteria for classifying innovative developments that make up the portfolio. Keywords: portfolio approach, university, innovation, scientific and technical developments, "Priority 2030", commercialization Highlights: ♦ the portfolio approach is appropriate and effective for the management of scientific and technical developments of the university; ♦ the parameters of the portfolio approach and the methodology for assessing the potential of scientific and technical developments of the university are mutually dependent; ♦ the main applicable criteria for classifying innovative developments in the portfolio are: levels of technology readiness, types of expected end result from commercialization of development and expected deadlines for the implementation of an innovative project.

Nikolay N. Evdokimov - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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