Analysis of the implementation of the regional component of the national project "Demography" in the Samara region

Korobeynikova E.V.

Abstract. In modern conditions, special attention in the country is paid to the implementation of demographic policy due to the fact that the last few years have been characterized by a decrease in the population with a decrease in the number of births and an increase in the number of deaths, which accordingly leads to a natural population decline in the whole country and in the vast majority of the Russian regions. The Samara region is no exception. The article presents analysis results of the effectiveness of the implementation of the regional components of the national project "Demography", designed to ensure the solution of key issues in the field of demography. To achieve this goal, economic-statistical, logical, method of comparative and graphical analysis were used based on publicly available official sources of information. The results of the study are aimed at developing possible directions for the development of tools for implementing the demographic policy in the region. Keywords: national project "Demography", demographic policy, birth rate, death rate, natural population growth. Highlights: ♦ the role of the national project "Demography" in the implementation of regional demographic policy is determined; ♦ an analysis of the implementation effectiveness of regional components of the national project "Demography" in the Samara region was carried out; ♦ the key problems of the implemented demographic policy in the region are identified; ♦ based on the results of the study conducted, directions for improving the measures for the implementation of the national project "Demography" were proposed.

Elena V. Korobeynikova - Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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