Tishchenko T.V.

The governments of different countries (the USA, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, etc.), regardless of the principles of economy state regulation that have been formed in them, provide support to the automotive industry enterprises, which is due to the high importance of the industry in creating jobs and the multiplicative effect that is manifested in the growth of production in related industries. The article presents the results of the analysis of the world and Russian practice of using various measures of state support for enterprises. Keywords: state support, budget, subsidies, automobile industry. Highlights: ♦ there are differences in the mechanisms of anti-crisis support for the industry, which was carried out in 2008-2010 in a number of European countries, in the United States and in Russia, including by providing subsidies to buyers of new cars or by buying back shares of companies (the United States and Russia); ♦ the common for most countries problems of providing tax benefits for buyers of electric vehicles, which are received by more wealthy categories of citizens, are analyzed; ♦ disproportions in the dynamics of production of conventional and environmentally friendly cars, which affect the pace of industrial production (China) or the demand for traditional fuel (Germany); ♦ it is proved that the experience of developed countries should be considered when developing state support for the automotive industry in Russia.

Tatyana V. Tishchenko, Candidate of Economics, Senior Research Officer at the RANEPA Laboratory for Budget Policy Studies, Moscow.

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