Economic efficiency of energy-saving, energy consumption and integrated approach to its assessment

Tyukavkin N.M., Podbornova E.S.

The article conducts an economic analysis of energy use and energy intensity of GDP of the Russian Federation, the status of energy efficiency and energy entities in connection with the increase in demand on energy resources, with the increase in demand on energy resources, development of energy efficiency technologies, reducing energy intensity and increasing the level of energy security of market entities. The authors substantiate the issues of increasing the volumes and scales of investment use in energy efficiency. The paper studies a comprehensive plan of measures to improve the economic efficiency of energy saving and energy consumption in the Russian economy. Methodical provision of assessment of energy intensity of Russian GDP is studied, estimated effects of selected factors on the dynamics of energy intensity of Russian GDP is assessed, which allowed to identify the following: a common method of assessment the economic efficiency and energy consumption of enterprises and organizations, as well as the effectiveness of the system of energy expenditure management does not currently exist. The authors suggest a method for assessing the efficiency of energy consumption, which makes it possible to link the factors of influence into a single indicator and assess the value of current energy efficiency. Keywords: methodology, economic assessment, energy consumption market, energy expenditures, energy intensity, energy-saving, influence factors, economic efficiency, calculations, economic indicators, legislation, regulations. Highligh ts: ♦ currently, due to the increase in market demand for energy resources, it is becoming more urgent to increase economic efficiency and develop energy-saving technologies, the main purpose of which is to effectively address global issues of economic growth, reduce the energy intensity of energy consumption, and to improve the energy security of market entities; ♦ the volumes and scales of investment in energy efficiency and energy conservation are significant because of their contribution to the development of demand for energy, for primary energy resources; ♦ in order to justify their energy consumption by business entities, it is necessary to make an economic assessment of energy efficiency, for which the authors have defined the parameters for assessing economic energy efficiency: 1) economic efficiency of use of capacities for implementation, synchronization and the quality of functioning; 2) level of productivity at the enterprise, organization; 3) the economic efficiency of energy resources; 4) economic efficiency of infrastructure support; ♦ the economic efficiency of energy consumption is significantly affected by the following factors: readiness and ability of the enterprise to carry out measures for energy-saving and development of innovative technologies in the field of energy efficiency, development of innovative activity in the enterprise`s activities, the economic energy efficiency indicators considered in the evaluating methodology using correction coefficients; ♦ as a result, the authors propose a methodology of economic assessment of energy efficiency, reflecting the above parameters and the degree of efficiency of using a specific resource base.

Nikolay M. Tyukavkin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Innovation Economics Department.; Ekaterina S. Podbornova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Innovation Economics Department. - Samara National Research University named after academican S.P. Korolev.

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