Oborin M. S.

Electricity as one of the key areas of the economy has a comprehensive impact on other activities, especially industry, science-intensive and manufacturing industries. In this area, a number of regulatory documents are being implemented that emphasize the connection with national security and the strategic development of the state. High dependence on the import of electrical equipment is a significant deterrent to the growth of the industry, negatively affects the structural problems of the regional industry. Overcoming the dependence on foreign supplies actualizes the use of digital technologies in the energy sector, contributes to the development of domestic production, but the quality of products does not meet the requirements of the industry. Regional features of provided services indicate the need for new regulatory mechanisms and adaptation of management systems to customer requirements. The purpose of the study is to develop a model of import substitution in the electrical equipment market at the regional level. We used an analysis of statistics, an expert-analytical method, modeling of socio-economic processes in the field of electric power and development of the electric equipment market at the regional level. Indicators of the state of the electrical equipment market in the country, market leaders and the composition of manufactured products that are in demand in the regions are considered. The level of demand in the electric power industry, the main factors of influence and development trends depending on the state of the economy and basic industries are analyzed. The problems of regional markets for electrical equipment are identified and measures to address them are proposed. Keywords: electric equipment market, electric power development strategy, electric equipment, import, audit, import substitution model, regional markets. Highlights: the features of relations in the field of energy security development of the country and the structure of the market for the production of electrical equipment were considered; the demand for electricity through a single energy system, and limiting factors in the electric power industry development, including dependence on imports were considered; main development trends of the electric equipment market were described, which correspond to the needs of enterprises and the country`s population; electricity consumption indicators, production volumes of electric equipment in Russia, as well as industrial production indices that characterize market development trends were analyzed; the state of regional markets for electrical equipment was disclosed and promising directions for their development were proposed.

Matvey S. Oborin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics, Perm Institute (Branch), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor, Department of World and Regional Economics, Economic Theory, Perm State National Research University, Professor, Management Department, Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, Professor, Department of Management and Technology in Tourism and Service, Sochi State University.

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