Streltsov A.V., Yakovlev G.I.

The reserves for increasing the production of enterprises of the private business sector are considered on the basis of engaging in a wide economic turnover the innovative production capabilities of the branches of the military-industrial complex (MIC), with a corresponding reciprocal transfer of prospective research and development. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the growth of high-tech industries, which are found at the junction of private-business structures’ activities in the production of consumer goods and defense industries, which remain public. An important condition for further technical development of entrepreneurial structures in industry is to ensure military-civil integration (MCI) with the consistent diversification of high-tech equipment of defense industries in accordance with the peculiarities of the production of technically complex civilian products. Structural and morphological analysis of the studied phenomena, methods of technological foresight, international comparisons and meaningful economic interpretation of MCI processes in the digital economy were used. As a result, the directions of technical development of enterprises in the private sector of the country have been formed through the implementation of MCI mechanisms taking into account the possibility of active joint commercialization of R & D results, the creation of new competitive products and services, and their promotion to new markets. A model for the combined military-civil integration with the subsequent formation of growth points in production facilities and the development of defense enterprises during the transition to the production of consumer goods created on an entrepreneurial basis in the competitive market for the consumer sector of the economy is proposed. Keywords: entrepreneurship, civil-military integration, technology transfer, innovation, high-tech manufacturing, commercialization, digitalization, growth points. Highlights: At present, the paradigm of development of production systems is being transformed around the world: models of gradual, incremental improvement of traditional technologies and methods of industrial production are being replaced by fundamentally new, super-efficient solutions based on extensive digitalization of socio-economic processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption; under these conditions, the domestic industry, which has missed several cycles of modernization during the transition to market-based business methods, has the opportunity to immediately jump to the production on a digital basis, entering the number of developed economic systems according to the “overtake, not overtaking” model. Thanks to the development of the Internet, info-communication technologies, sociality, even traditional industries achieved an acceptable level of digitalization, allowing the creation of digital twins of existing production lines; an important condition for the transition to digital production is the development of high-tech entrepreneurship with the involvement of innovative production solutions from the defense industry, whose support for models of military-civil integration, organized in accordance with the characteristics of the national economy, is always a priority for a sovereign state.

Aleksey V. Streltsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Organization and Development Strategy of the Enterprise; Gennady I. Yakovlev, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Development Strategy of the Enterprise - Samara State University of Economics.

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