Kaibicheva E.I.

A brief review of the studies of peripheral territories in economic science and economic geography is given. The conclusion is made about the need to generalize the accumulated knowledge about the periphery. The authors generalize typologies of peripheral regions developed in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, taking into account the provisions of the “center-periphery” theory, spatial development theories and the theory of peripheral economy; the authors suggest a vision of the types of peripheral territories based on the dynamics of their position in the “center-periphery” system. It is noted that typologies of peripheral regions, which can change under the influence of various factors, are applicable not only in theory, but also in management practice. Prospects of this study are related to clarifying the content of the concepts of “periphery”, “peripheral territory”, “peripheral region”, as well as peripheral criteria. Keywords: region, periphery, peripheral region, typology, center-periphery theory, spatial development theory, theory of peripheral economy. Highlights: the theoretical field of peripheral research, represented by a set of theories of peripheral economy, the theory of "world - system", J. Friedmann`s theory of "center - periphery" , can be supplemented by theories of spatial development (I. G. von Thunen`s theory of agricultural standort, V. Launhardt`s theory of the rational standort of the industrial enterprise, A. Weber`s theory of industrial standort, V. Kristaller`s theory of central places, A.Lesch`s theory of spatial organization of the economy, the theory of growth poles, etc.). From the standpoint of the latter, the periphery can be viewed as a component of a polarized economic space, which in turn makes it possible to justify a multiscale approach to its study" the periphery is a special economic phenomenon, the research of which is still far from its completion, requires the generalization of accumulated knowledge through the use of the typology method; the analysis of domestic and foreign scientists has made it possible to identify several types of periphery: internal and external, horizontal and vertical, deep and contact, periphery at the macro, meso- and micro levels, and also suggests such a basis for its typology, as the dynamics of the territory`s position change in the national system of "center-periphery".

Ekaterina I. Kaibicheva, Candidate of Economics, assistant of Regional, Municipal Economy and Management Department, Ural State University of Economics.

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